Global Health
Global health research focuses in particular on the functioning of healthcare systems and health of people living in low- and middle-income countries. It also aims to investigate systematic factors that shape health and are inherently global. Global health area draws upon the expertise and insights of CERGAS researchers from a other research teams (i.e. Health Economics & HTA, Health Policy). In collaboration with other academic institutions, we undertake research in developing and transitional countries developing the scientific basis for improvement in functioning of healthcare systems in low-resources contexts.
At present our work focusses on: economic evaluation of health technologies and health programs in LMICs; sustainability of digital health solutions; equity of access; integration and quality of healthcare services. Projects are funded by international organizations including Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Global Fund.
Ongoing projects:
- Evaluating the impact of electronic Logistic Management Information Systems (eLMIS) and Electronic Immunization Registries (EIR) in low- and middle-income countries (in collaboration with MM Global Health Consulting
- Economic evaluation of quality improvement by integrating HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria services within antenatal and postnatal care in Nigeria, Tanzania, and Kenya (in collaboration with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine