Planet Cergas Videos

Through the Planet Cergas Videos our researchers illustrate some of the most relevant projects they are conducting and explain the main evidence obtained through such projects.

Please do not hesitate to contact the researchers if you want to hear more about the project and its implications for healthcare. 

The Costs of Managing Dementia at Home
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The Costs of Managing Dementia at Home
CERGAS research center has been looking at the human costs borne by families in the Milan area that choose to care for relatives with #dementia at their own homes.

Dementia is a leading cause of #dependency and mortality in older populations. In Italy, about 1.2 million people are affected by dementia and this number is expected to increase. A project called “Better at Home?” coordinated by Elisabetta Notarnicola, PhD for the CERGAS research center with Eleonora Perobelli, Simone Manfredi, Michela Meregaglia, and Andrea Rotolo, and supported by Fondazione Ravasi Garzanti, observed that there are several reasons behind the choice of caring for an older relative at home. First, the “Ageing in Place” vision increasingly encourages older people to remain in their own homes and keep in touch with their local communities. Second, it is quite common for older people to live in houses large enough to accommodate a caregiver too, which is what older people generally prefer. Third, there is a widespread problem of long waiting times or high fees for accessing nursing or residential homes and difficult barriers in accessing formal #CareServices. The project estimated an average total yearly expenditure of €14,000 per person, of which social costs amounted to around €11,000. These are almost entirely incurred by #families that have to hire a home assistant.

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How Undocumented Migrants Use Healthcare Services
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How Undocumented Migrants Use Healthcare Services
Undocumented #migrants in #Italy make more use of emergency rooms and #hospital admissions than pharmaceutical prescriptions and specialistic visits.
Aiding Breast Cancer Patients to Make Informed Decisions
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Improving Breast Cancer Patients' Quality of Life
A tool developed within a project devised and coordinated by cergas provides patients with high quality information about risks and benefits of treatment options