Observatory on Accredited Healthcare Providers

The Observatory on Accredited Healthcare Providers (OSPA) of CERGAS-SDA Bocconi was established in 2004 in collaboration with the healthcare branch of Assolombarda, the largest Italian entrepreneurial association. OSPA focuses on managerial themes as well as on policy issues concerning the role of private entities that provide healthcare services on behalf of the Italian NHS (“Accredited” providers, APs from now on).


Aim & scope


OSPA researchers monitor and interpret the main trends of policy and management practice regarding the APs across the Italian Healthcare System. Moreover, OSPA focuses on the APs’ contribution to the achievement of the NHS goals.

Furthermore, OSPA’s aim is to create a forum for academics, healthcare professionals, manager and entrepreneurs to exchange information, share ideas, create new knowledge.




OSPA investigates public expenditure for services provided by APs, and capacity, volumes and clinical outcomes of accredited inpatient and outpatient services. OSPA also analyses the differences between the APs operating in different regional contexts, with a specific attention dedicated to the Lombardy Region. Periodically, OSPA monitors the development of the main private healthcare holdings across the Country. In addition, every year, OSPA researchers scrutinize an emerging or critical issue regarding the APs’ sector, as internal patient mobility, new chronic care models, growth of the rehabilitation services, etc.




The main results of the OSPA research are published every year within the OASI Report Rapporto OASI (please see the description of the OASI Observatory).
In addition, the full research report are available here  (only in Italian).

