Observatory on Management of Public Procurement and contracts in Health Care

The Observatory on Management of Public Procurement and contracts in Health Care (MASAN) of CERGAS – SDA Bocconi was launched in 2018, as a think tank in the field of public procurement in healthcare.  The aim of the Observatory is to create a network of experts with Academic and professionals members to discuss about the procurement function and its professionalization. Through the Observatory, stakeholders can share experiences and points of view about recent amendments of the public procurement in healthcare, discuss about critical issues, and propose solutions in order to make purchasing processes in health care more efficient.  The Observatory conducts research, training programs and advocacy workshops.

It is addressed to all actors directly involved in purchasing processes and in public contracts management, in particular:

  • Centralised purchasing authorities.
  • Regional and national policy makers.
  • Macro-public companies with high coordination needs in planning and managing the supply.
  • Private professionals who want to contribute in innovating the management of public services through debate and dialogue with public actors, and provide with financial support to the initiative.


Aim and scope



The Observatory focus on purchases of goods and services at the regional level. It aims to collect evidences on the full purchasing cycle, generate new knowledge to support the development of expertise, and formulate policy recommendations to make purchasing processes more efficient grounded on a rigorous research activity.





  • Data collection.
  • Analysis of national and international cases.
  • Systematic benchmarking between contracting authorities.
  • Focus groups with public and private stakeholders.

Networking and dissemination:

  • 1 annual public workshop (click here).
  • 4 research meetings reserved to participants.
  • Publications of a dedicated chapter in OASI Report, of scientific papers, policy papers, articles on Sole 24 ore Sanità (click here).





For information:  osservatoriomasan@unibocconi.it