Marianna Cavazza

Marianna Cavazza is Associate Professor of Practice at SDA Bocconi School of Management. She holds the B.A. in Political Science from the University of Milan, the MSc in Economics from University of York and PhD in Economics from Catholic University of Milan.
She has been for several years contracted professor of health economics at the Medical School of Milano-Bicocca University and now she is contracted professor of health policies at the Political and Social Science School of the Catholic University of Milan.
She is the coordinator of the network of firms associated to Cergas providing strategic and knowledge support services and she is also member of the Observatory on Private Consumption in Healthcare Sector (Osservatorio sui Consumi Privati in Sanità - OCPS).
Her research interests are around health policies analysis in a national and comparative perspective and private consumption in healthcare with a particular emphasis on voluntary healthcare insurance. She has also experience on costs survey using microcosting approaches.