Image of Observatories section

I Sessione - OASI 2020

Affiliated Vittoria Ardito is Junior Fellow of Government, Health and Not for Profit (GHNP) Division at SDA Bocconi School of Management. She holds a Master of Science in International Management from Bocconi University (Milan) and is currently enro ...
Affiliated Michela Bobini is Junior Lecturer at SDA Bocconi School of Management in the Government, Health and Not For Profit (GHNP) Division. She holds a bachelor's degree in Economics and Management and a master's degree in Economics and Managemen ...
Affiliated Claudio Buongiorno Sottoriva is Knowledge Analyst at SDA Bocconi School of Management in the Government, Health and Not For Profit (GHNP) Division. At CeRGAS he is involved in national and international research and advisory projects.He ...