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I Sessione - OASI 2020

Via Röentgen, 1 - Milano
Presentazione Nazionale del Rapporto OASI 2024

La PRESENTAZIONE NAZIONALE DEL RAPPORTO OASI, Osservatorio sulle Aziende e sul Sistema sanitario Italiano del CERGAS, Centro di ricerche sulla Gestione dell'Assistenza Sanitaria e Sociale, è un evento annuale dedicato ai policymaker nazionali e regionali, alle direzioni strategiche delle aziende sanitarie pubbliche e private, ai membri degli staff aziendali e a tutti i professionisti interessati all’innovazione nel management e nelle politiche sanitarie.

CERGAS Seminar "An economic perspective on health systems and policies: focusing on health and healthy ageing monetization"

On the 21st of November CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "An economic perspective on health systems and policies: focusing on health and healthy ageing monetization".

Speaker: João Vasco Santos; University of Porto; Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS)

CERGAS Seminar "Examining the relationship among ESG performance, debt financing, and R&D output: evidence from the healthcare sector."

On the 7th of November CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "Examining the relationship among ESG performance, debt financing, and R&D output: evidence from the healthcare sector".

Speaker: Sarmad Ali; CERGAS SDA Bocconi

CERGAS Seminar "Reforming primary care in England: Challenges and opportunities"

On the 24th of October CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "Reforming primary care in England: Challenges and opportunities".

Speaker: Imelda Mcdermott; University of Manchester

Tobacco taxation policies in the fight against tobacco

Laura Giudice, CERGAS Researcher, presented the preliminary results of the project "POLITICHE DI TASSAZIONE DEI PRODOTTI A BASE DI TABACCO PER IL CONTRASTO AL TABAGISMO" (Tobacco taxation policies in the fight against tobacco) at Bergamo Scienza 2024, within a thematic event titled "Caro Tabacco, ti lascio: strategie contro il fumo tra scienza e policy" ("Dear Tobacco, I'm leaving you: strategies against smoking from science and policy").

CINDERELLA project advances AI for breast cancer treatment

On the 26th and 27th of September 2024, SDA Bocconi hosted the fourth face-to-face meeting of the HORIZON EU CINDERELLA Project.

 The project is developing and evaluating the CINDERELLA approach, powered by AI, to provide comprehensive information, videos, images, and result predictions for locoregional treatments in breast cancer patients.

CERGAS Seminar "The impacts of digital transformation on the LTC sector and their implications for the skills, profiles and roles of its professionals. Insights from a multiple case study"

On the 10th of October CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "The impacts of digital transformation on the LTC sector and their implications for the skills, profiles and roles of its professionals. Insights from a multiple case study".

Speakers: Maria Vittoria Bufali, Andrea Rotolo; CERGAS SDA Bocconi

25/09/2024 25/09/2024
Can an increase in excise taxes curb smoking?

Increasing tobacco taxation is an effective measure to combat smoking: according to most scientific literature, such increases lead to a reduction in tobacco demand, consumption, and the percentage of the population that smokes. 

CERGAS Seminar "Globalization, Job Stressors and Migrant Health: Evidence of Physical and Mental Decline Among Migrants in Germany"

On the 19th of september CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "Globalization, Job Stressors and Migrant Health: Evidence of Physical and Mental Decline Among Migrants in Germany".

Speaker: Andreea Piriu, Bocconi University

The European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) has appointed Aleksandra Torbica as its new President for a two-year term, effective immediately.

The European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) is one of the largest scientific associations in Europe, gathering approximately 1000 participants at biannual events, it’s an association of associations. EuHEA's purpose is to promote cooperation among all national health economics associations and groups in Europe and to profile and foster health economics at European universities.