
The European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) has appointed Aleksandra Torbica as its new President for a two-year term, effective immediately.

The European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) is one of the largest scientific associations in Europe, gathering approximately 1000 participants at biannual events, it’s an association of associations. EuHEA's purpose is to promote cooperation among all national health economics associations and groups in Europe and to profile and foster health economics at European universities.

CERGAS Seminar "Welfare Platforms: a global comparative analysis"

On the 20th of June CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "Welfare Platforms: a global comparative analysis".

Speaker: Agnese Palvarini, Bocconi University

CERGAS Seminar "Towards a platformised welfare state? How public administration, personal data, and third-sector welfare get entangled in a nation-wide digitalisation project"

On the 30th of May CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "Towards a platformised welfare state? How public administration, personal data, and third-sector welfare get entangled in a nation-wide digitalisation project".

Speaker: Tanja Klenk, Helmut Schmidt University

CERGAS Seminar "The genesis of the PM-JAY health insurance scheme in India: technical and political elements influencing a national reform towards universal health coverage"

On the 9th of May CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "The genesis of the PM-JAY health insurance scheme in India: technical and political elements influencing a national reform towards universal health coverage".

Speaker: Swati Srivastava, Heidelberg University

CERGAS Seminar "Striking the balance between regulation, value assessment and reimbursement of Digital Medical Devices: evidence from CERGAS research"

On the 11th of April CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "Striking the balance between regulation, value assessment and reimbursement of Digital Medical Devices: evidence from CERGAS research".

Speaker: Francesco Petracca, CERGAS SDA Bocconi

CERGAS Seminar "Artificial Intelligence Shaping Professional Role-Identity in Healthcare"

On the 28th of March CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "Artificial Intelligence Shaping Professional Role-Identity in Healthcare".

Speaker: Yiannis Kyratsis, Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam

CERGAS Seminar "What contingency factors lead to the centralization or decentralization of the networks? A configurational analysis in different health and social care networks"

On the 21st of March CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "What contingency factors lead to the centralization or decentralization of the networks? A configurational analysis in different health and social care networks".

Speaker: Eleonora Gheduzzi, Politecnico di Milano

CERGAS Seminar "An iterative approach to decision making in health and medicine: evidence and uncertainty considerations"

On the 7th of March CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "An iterative approach to decision making in health and medicine: evidence and uncertainty considerations".

Speaker: Natalia Kunst; Centre for Health Economics, University of York

Europe Prizes GHNP Research

The European funding of €19 million secured by the 22 international partners of the Harmonised Approach to Early Feasibility Studies for Medical Devices in the European Union (HEU-EFS) project, led by the SDA Bocconi School of Management’s Center for Research on Healthcare and Social Management (CERGAS), is just the latest international acknowledgment of the quality of the School's GHNP division research.

CERGAS Seminar "Health care systems in times of shrinking resources and growing demands. A research agenda"

On the 22nd of February CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "Health care systems in times of shrinking resources and growing demands. A research agenda".

Speaker: Gianmario Cinelli, Giorgio Giacomelli, Laura Giudice, Luigi Maria Preti; CERGAS SDA Bocconi