CERGAS Seminar "Funding process in the I-NHS."
The NHS funding plays a crucial role in the pursuit of both service efficiency and effectiveness.
The seminar will analyze the process of funding the I-NHS by analyzing its explicit and implicit incentives.
In particular, the following will be analyzed:
• the level of Italian funding, comparing it with that of other EU countries
• the ability of the system to really combine macroeconomic compatibility and coverage of guaranteed service levels
• the fairness of the distribution of funds at regional level
• the rules for the distribution of regional funds to local health authorities (and hospitals)
Aggregate Professor at the University of Roma Tor Vergata, Chair of C.R.E.A. Sanità (Centre for Applied Health Economic Research) Scientific Committee.
Lectures: Health Economics, Economics of Public Health Services, Health Policies and Assessment Model, Health Care Management, Regulatory and Pharmacoeconomic Aspects.
Former Member of Scientific Committees supporting the Ministry of Health (Planning Directorate, National Committee for Medical Devices Regulation, National Health Care Monitoring System Committee), the National Agency for Regional Health Services, Lazio Region (Technical-Scientific Committee), Independent Evaluation Body of Hospital and Local Health Authorities, Italian Barometers Diabetes Observatory Foundation (IBDO), Federsanità-ANCI (General Directors Forum), besides Health Fund Metasalute, “Antimafia” Parliamentary Committee, advisor of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) for Research Projects Assessment.
Editor of the Annual report on Health Policies by University of Roma “Tor Vergata” and author of many scientific publications on health policies, economics and management, pharmacoeconomics and HTA (more details in publications).
Training given in health economics and management, pharmacoeconomics, HTA, financial models and assessment of social security schemes in graduate and postgraduate courses on behalf of many Universities, the Ministry of Health, High Health Institute (ISS), National School of Public Administration, Regions, Local Health Authorities and Hospital, Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Companies, Scientific Medical Association (more details in teaching).
Participation in and coordination of research projects both for national and international bodies (Ministry of Health, AgeNaS, CNR – National Research Council, MIUR, EU-CEE, etc.).
Scientific membership: AMASES (Applied Mathematics for Economic and social Studies Association), AIES (Italian Health Economics Association), IHEA (International Health Economics Association).
Meeting ID: 920 2696 3824
Passcode: 351940
Lunch at the end of the meeting: for those willing to participate in person, click here before the 5th of March.