Image of Observatories section

I Sessione - OASI 2020

SPS SEMINAR SERIES - SPRING 2022: The Social Consequences of Precision Medicine - Joint with Cergas

"In this talk, I examine some of the likely consequences of the rollout of precision medicine, specifically the production of Variants of Uncertain Significance. I will focus on the emergence of patients-in-waiting, those kept in limbo between disease and health, the changing understanding of disease categories, the professionalization of genetic counseling, and the payoff of targeting genetic causes in a deeply unequal health care system."

Speaker: Stefan Timmermans, UCLA


Evento Online "Il presente e il futuro del settore Long Term Care: cantieri aperti. Presentazione del 4° Rapporto dell'Osservatorio Long Term Care"

CERGAS Seminar "A virtuous implementation of telemedicine in rheumatology: description of change management practices and analysis of the role played by personalized experience in the patients’ answer"

On the 20th of January CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 PM the Webinar "A virtuous implementation of telemedicine in rheumatology: description of change management practices and analysis of the role played by personalized experience in the patients’ answer", speakers Lucia Ferrara and Elisabetta Listorti, CERGAS SDA Bocconi.

The participation to the webinar will be in online mode only.

Platform Welfare. Nuove logiche per innovare i servizi locali

Il volume curato da Francesco Longo e Franca Maino intende comprendere a quali condizioni si possa sviluppare un platform welfare che coniughi la lettura dei fenomeni sociali in continua trasformazione con robusti framework teorici in grado di incoraggiare una radicale riprogettazione dei sistemi di welfare locale.  

La pandemia di Covid-19 ha confermato la fragilità dei sistemi socioassistenziali e socio-sanitari territoriali e, al contempo, la loro insostenibilità e difficoltà ad adattarsi alle nuove sfide. L’emergenza pandemica sembra però aver attivato anche una serie di dinamiche positive, idonee a far ritenere possibile un radicale cambio di paradigma nel welfare locale. In questa cornice, il volume “Platform Welfare. Nuove logiche per innovare i servizi locali“, curato da Francesco Longo e Franca Maino per Egea, indaga le profonde trasformazioni sociali in corso nelle società occidentali e come il platform welfare possa portare a nuove logiche per innovare i servizi locali.

CERGAS Seminar "Circular health, circular economy, circular urban planning. Working on systemic links that the pandemic has challenged"

On the 9th of December CERGAS organizes from 12:45 to 14:00 PM the Webinar "Circular health, circular economy, circular urban planning. Working on systemic links that the pandemic has challenged", speaker Scira Menoni, Politecnico di Milano.

The participation to the webinar will be in online mode only.


CERGAS Seminar " The Digital Information Hub of Lombardy Region and Covid-19 lesson learned"

On the 25th of November CERGAS organizes from 12.30 to 14.00 PM the Seminar "The Digital Information Hub of Lombardy Region and Covid-19 lesson learned", speakers Antonio Barone e Giuseppe Preziosi, Azienda Regionale per l'Innovazione e gli Acquisti (ARIA)

On the 18th of November CERGAS organizes the "Annual Conference 2021"
CERGAS Seminar "Is greater integration associated with larger reductions in unplanned hospital admissions? An analysis of new care models in England"

On the 12th of November CERGAS organizes from 12.45 to 14.15 the Seminar "Is greater integration associated with larger reductions in unplanned hospital admissions? An analysis of new care models in England", speaker David Lugo, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

La farmacia come garante dell’aderenza terapeutica nella sanità territoriale post-COVID

Evento "La farmacia come garante dell’aderenza terapeutica nella sanità territoriale post-COVID"

CERGAS Webinar "Programme evaluation of population and system level policies: Evidence for decision-making"

On the 28th of October CERGAS organizes from 12.45 to 14.15 PM the Webinar "Programme evaluation of population and system level policies: Evidence for decision-making", speaker Simon Walker, Centre for Health Economics, University of York