Image of Observatories section

I Sessione - OASI 2020

Webinar Valutazione economica a supporto dell’HTA della tecnologia REMS nella diagnosi dell’osteoporosi: risultati e raccomandazioni

Lo scorso 18 maggio si è svolto un incontro online di presentazione della ricerca Analisi di minimizzazione dei costi della tecnologia REMS nella diagnosi dell'osteoporosi.


Value Set EuroQoL - 5D - 5L per l'Italia

Il 18 maggio scorso si è tenuto il workshop online Value Set EuroQoL - 5D - 5L per l'Italia.

CERGAS Seminar "Hospital Price Markups for Infused Cancer Drugs in the United States"

On the 16th of May CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "Hospital Price Markups for Infused Cancer Drugs in the United States", speaker James Robinson, University of California, Berkeley.

CERGAS Seminar "Family doctor responses to changes in target stringency under financial incentives"

On the 12th of May CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "Family doctor responses to changes in target stringency under financial incentives", speaker Matt Sutton, University of Manchester.

CERGAS Seminar "Adverse effects of public procurement practices for mature drugs in Italy: unintended consequences of the cost-containment imperative"

On the 21st of April CERGAS organizes from 13:00 to 14:00 the Seminar "Adverse effects of public procurement practices for mature drugs in Italy: unintended consequences of the cost-containment imperative", speaker Patrizio Armeni, CERGAS SDA Bocconi.

CERGAS Webinar "Measuring and managing the performance of chronic population using real world data"

On the 7th of April Cergas organizes from 12:00 to 13:00 PM the Webinar "Measuring and managing the performance of chronic population using real world data". 

Speaker: Francesca Ferrè, Istituto di Management (Laboratorio MeS) della Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa.

The participation to the webinar will be in online mode only.

CERGAS Seminar "What factors do clinicians value most in selecting physician preference items? Evidence from Italian orthopedic surgeons using two stated preference methods."

On the 24th of March CERGAS organizes from 13.00 to 14.00 the Seminar "What factors do clinicians value most in selecting physician preference items? Evidence from Italian orthopedic surgeons using two stated preference methods", speaker Ludovica Borsoi, CERGAS SDA Bocconi.

CERGAS Webinar "The effect of extending parental leave on women’s mental health: a quasi-experimental registry-based cohort study" - Joint with Dondena

On the 10th of March Cergas and Dondena organize from 13:00 to 14:00 PM the Webinar "The effect of extending parental leave on women’s mental health: a quasi-experimental registry-based cohort study", speaker Emilie Courtin, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).

The participation to the webinar will be in online mode only.


Transitional FINMED Certificate Course | 01-03 aprile 2022

The Translational FINMED medicine course is a unique opportunity for pharma, device, other technology companies and financial institutions to meet bright innovators and to scout interesting projects to invest in. It is a unique opportunity for bright and innovative researchers to meet possible investors.

Webinar di presentazione del libro Platform Welfare. Nuove logiche per innovare i servizi sociali

Si è tenuto lo scorso 28 febbraio il webinar di presentazione del volume Platform Welfare. Nuove logiche per innovare i servizi sociali.