Observatory on Healthcare Organizations and Policies in Italy (OASI)

The Observatory on Healthcare Organizations and Policies in Italy (OASI) of CERGAS-SDA Bocconi was established in 1998. OASI focuses on managerial themes as well as on policy issues.
Since 2000, OASI researchers publish an Annual Report - Rapporto OASI, whose digital edition is an open access research output. Contents related to the last five editions can be found at the following links.

From 2003 to 2019 Rapporti OASI can be found HERE.

Aim & scope

OASI researchers monitor and interpret the main trends of policy and management practice across the Italian Healthcare System, with a particular focus on the main variables affecting its features and performance. OASI researchers also collect a comprehensive range of data in order to compare the Italian healthcare sector with a significant group of OECD benchmark countries. To these ends, OASI studies combine several research methods, including analysis of official documentation, elaboration of quantitative data, surveys, case studies, desk research.

Furthermore, OASI’s aim is to create a forum for academics, healthcare professionals and healthcare managers to exchange information, share ideas, create new knowledge.


Every year, the research carried out by OASI aims at offering an evidence-based, comprehensive, rich picture of the Italian healthcare system, outlining its future evolution. Every year OASI collects the results of 15 to 20 research projects, carried out by 25-30 CERGAS researchers. Many research projects are conducted in close cooperation with healthcare professionals and policymakers.

In addition, the OASI research team organizes a number of dissemination activities: the Annual National Meeting (ANM) to introduce the first preview of the OASI research to its audience, and 7-8 presentations across Italy.

The project “Italy, a Healthy Investment”, aiming at emphasizing the potentials of the Italian healthcare sector as a growth booster, is a research spin-off of OASI ( » materiali in italiano).


OASI Scientific Supervisor

Approfondimento su Provider Privati Accreditati (con il contributo incondizionato di Assolombarda)

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