

Milano - Piazza Sraffa 13, Aula N06
What's on in healthcare: "Value the value of technological innovation in healthcare: how to innovate the reimbursement schemes in the italian NHS"

On the 21st January in Room N06, Milano - Piazza Sraffa 13 from 10.30 to 16.30 SDA Bocconi organizes the conference "La valutazione dell'innovazione tecnologica nelle politiche di rimborsabilità"

Milano - Via Roentgen 1, Seminar Room 3 E4 SR03
CERGAS Seminar "Misurare e comunicare l’impatto del terzo settore: metodologie, indicatori e sperimentazione su tre casi di studio in Toscana"

On the 17th January in Room 3 E4 SR03, from 12.45 to 14.15 CERGAS organizes the Seminar "Misurare e comunicare l’impatto del terzo settore: metodologie, indicatori e sperimentazione su tre casi di studio in Toscana", speaker Marco Bellucci, Università di Firenze.

Milano - Via Roentgen 1, 3 B3 SR01
CERGAS Seminar "The Evolution of Pharmaceutical Price Negotiations and Outcomes in the United States"
On the 8th of January CERGAS organizes from 12.45 to 14.15 in room 3 B3 S01 the Seminar "The Evolution of Pharmaceutical Price Negotiations and Outcomes in the United States", speaker James Robinson, University of California School of Public Health, Berkeley. For registration send an email to
Milano - Via Roentgen 1, Seminar Room 2 E4 SR03
CERGAS Seminar "L'uso dei social media nelle Aziende Sanitarie"

On the 20th December in the Room 2 E4 SR03, from 12.45 to 14.15 CERGAS organizes the Seminar "L'uso dei social media nelle Aziende Sanitarie", speaker Andrea Rotolo, CERGAS.

Milano - Via Bocconi 8, Room 01
CERGAS Special Seminar "Health Reform in the US: What Happened and What Happens Next?"

On the 3rd December in the Room 01, from 12.45 to 14.15 CERGAS organizes the Special seminar "Health Reform in the US: What Happened and What Happens Next?", speaker Michael Sparer, Columbia University

Aula Magna, Via Roentgen 1
"OASI 2018. SSN E CERGAS, 40 anni insieme": download Conference Materials
Presentations available: 29/11/2018 Convegno "OASI 2018. SSN E CERGAS, 40 ANNI INSIEME"
Milano - Via Roentgen 1, Meeting room 3 B3 SR01
CERGAS Seminar "The institutionalization of corporate philanthropy?"

On the 22nd November, CERGAS organizes the seminar "The institutionalization of corporate philanthropy", speaker Arthur Gautier, ESSEC Business School.

Aula Zappa, Via Sarfatti 25 - Università Bocconi
CERGAS Special Seminar on "The Platform Shift: a disruptive technological revolution"

About 15 years ago, the rise of the Internet triggered a platform shift; a wave of Cloud startups quickly unseated the market leaders in many industries. This phenomenon was defined as “the first platform shift”. Do artificial intelligence has the potential to trigger the second shift? How can entrepreneurs take advantage of this shift and start creating value?

Aula Magna, Via Gobbi - Università Bocconi
2 Convegno Osservatorio sul Management degli Acquisti e dei Contratti in Sanità
Second Conference MASAN Observatory on Management of Public Procurement and contracts in Health Care
Milano - Via Roentgen 1, Meeting room 3 B3 SR01
CERGAS Seminar "How can we assess the value of new antibiotics?"

On the 15th November, CERGAS organizes the seminar "How can we assess the value of new antibiotics?", speaker Alec Morton, University of Strathclyde.