
Intervista Dott. M. Annicchiarico, DG AO San Giovanni Addolorata di Roma
Intervista Dott. C. Ferraris, AIOP Lombardia
Intervista dott. E. Grassi, segretario FIMMG Reggio Emilia
I contributi di L. Maffioli e G. Bonelli, DS e del DG dell'ASST Sette Laghi di Varese
Intervista Dott. L. Baldino, DG AUSL Piacenza
Articolo Dott. F. Moirano, AD Fucina Sanità Srl, e T. Shael, DG ASL 2 Chieti
Intervista Dott. C. Palazzo, Direzione Politiche Sociali Comune di Milano
a cura del CERGAS
CERGAS launched a New Observatory on COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy
Milano - Via Roentgen 1 - AS03
CERGAS Seminar "Hardening sub-national budget constraints via administrative subordination: the Italian experience of regional recovery plans"

On the 20th of February CERGAS organizes from 12.45 to 14.15 in Via Roentgen 1 - AS03, the Seminar "Hardening sub-national budget constraints via administrative subordination: the Italian experience of regional recovery plans", speaker Silvia Coretti, Università Cattolica di Roma. For registration send an email to

Milano - Via Roentgen 1, AS01
CERGAS Seminar “Community building for health: complexity, innovation and research"

On the 12th of February CERGAS organizes from 12.45 to 14.15 in AS01, Via Roentgen 1, the Seminar "Community building for health: complexity, innovation and research", speaker Jane South, Leeds Beckett University For registration send an email to