Image of Observatories section

I Sessione - OASI 2020

3 B3 SR01, Via Roentgen 1
Seminar "Confronto della gestione dei PDTA tra aziende sanitarie locali e medici"

On the 19 June, CERGAS organizes the seminar "Confronto della gestione dei PDTA tra aziende sanitarie locali e medici", speakers Francesco Longo and Helen Banks. The event will be in italian.

Milano - Via Roentgen 1, meeting room 3 B3 SR01
CERGAS Seminar "Health policies and public health: why health systems matter?"

On the 10th of May in meeting room 3 B3 SR01 from 12.45 to 14.15, the seminar "Health policies and public health: why health systems matter?", speaker Michele Castelli, Newcastle University

Milano - Via Roentgen 1, meeting room 3 B3 SR01
CERGAS Seminar "The effect of health shocks on financial risk preferences differs by personality traits"
On the 12th April, CERGAS organizes the seminar "The effect of health shocks on financial risk preferences differs by personality traits", speaker Silvana Robone, University of Insubria.
Milano - Via Roentgen 1, meeting room 3 B3 SR01
CERGAS Special Seminar "In Pursuit of Better Quality of Care: The U.S. Journey"
On the 3rd April, CERGAS organizes the seminar "In Pursuit of Better Quality of Care: The U.S. Journey", speaker Gary Young, Northeastern University.
Milano - Via Roentgen 1, meeting room 3 B3 SR01
CERGAS Special Seminar "Do Less Harm"
On the 27 March, CERGAS organizes the seminar "Do Less Harm", speaker David Paltiel.
Milano -Via Sarfatti 25, Aula Manfredini
CERGAS Special Seminar "VIRUSES, POLITICS AND FAKE NEWS – Fighting for science is hard"

On the 22nd March, CERGAS organizes the seminar "VIRUSES, POLITICS AND FAKE NEWS – Fighting for science is hard", speaker Ilaria Capua, University of Florida.

Milano - Via Roentgen 1, meeting room 3 B3 SR01
CERGAS Seminar "Too Sticky to Switch? Retirement and Health Plan choices of the elderly"

On the 15 March, CERGAS organizes the seminar "Too Sticky to Switch? Retirement and Health Plan choices of the elderly", speaker Mujaheed Shaikh, Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Milano - Via Roentgen 1, meeting room 3 B3 SR01
CERGAS Seminar "Le innovazioni nel processo di valutazione dei farmaci dell’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco"

On the 1 March, CERGAS organizes the seminar "The evaluation of mobile health solutions to support the treatment management of chronic conditions", speaker Giovanni Tafuri, AIFA.

Milano - Via Sarfatti 25, Aula Manfredini
Supplementi nutrizionali orali e la nutrizione clinica. Evidenze sul loro impatto, politiche pubbliche e modelli di gestione

The conference is an opportunity to present the results of the research carried out by CERGAS and SDA Bocconi School of Management, and bring these results to the attention of the scientific community and regional and policy makers

Milano - Via Roentgen 1, meeting room 3 B3 SR01
CERGAS Seminar "The evaluation of mobile health solutions to support the treatment management of chronic conditions"

On the 18 January, CERGAS organizes the seminar "The evaluation of mobile health solutions to support the treatment management of chronic conditions", speaker Francesco Petracca, Bocconi University.