Observatory on Long Term Care

The Observatory on LONG TERM CARE (OLTC) of CERGAS – SDA Bocconi was launched in 2018. OLTC is devoted to provide high value research and relevant opportunities to discuss about the current and future state of Long Term Care (LTC) in Italy, namely care oriented to elderly with long term care needs.



The aims of the Observatory are:

  • To support the public debate about LTC in Italy and provide networking opportunity to spread knowledge and visions about this sector
  • To share knowledge and data about LTC in Italy and support evidence based policy making
  • To promote a service management perspective in LTC sector.

To achieve these aims the Observatory is oriented toward monitoring:

  • LTC sector features in terms of epidemiology and statistics about elderly in need of care, availability of care services, public and private funding, public and private care settings
  • Relations between LTC sector, Health Care and Social Care sector
  • Service providers features and service management practices in the field
  • Technological and non-technological innovation in the field.



Every year OLTC researchers promote:

  • Research activities based on direct involvement of key actors and desk based activities
  • Research day during which evidences are collected and discussed together with key actors
  • Network meetings with providers (Keyproviders network)
  • Public conference to present research outputs and discuss specific topics with the public audience

Every year a research report is published:

Researches carried out by OLTC and its researchers are published either at national or international levels. Here you can find a list of relevant publications: click here




OLTC is promoted in institutional partnership with Essity Italy.