The social impact assessment of “Artelier” project by Fondazione Div.ergo

Principal investigator: Giuliana Baldassarre

Team UB/Cergas: Simone Manfredi, Elisabetta Notarnicola 

Sponsor: Fondazione Div.ergo - Onlus

Duration: June 2023 – June 2024


The aim of the research is to evaluate the social impact generated by the Foundation, specifically through its “Artelier”, which has the aim to enable 17 individuals with intellectual disabilities to enhance their awareness of their own value through a training program focused on work, culture, and relationships. The research has outlined an initial co-design with the Foundation. Three areas of value were highlighted for which specific data collection activities were implemented (field visits, focus groups, and interviews).

  1. The artists. The initiative boosts self-esteem and individual interests, builds professional skills and a sense of responsibility, and encourages participation in social activities and community life.
  2. The families and staff. It creates opportunities for families to embrace forms of independence for their loved ones, providing much-needed relief from caregiving responsibilities. For professionals, the project enhances their sense of fulfillment and identity while also developing their technical and interpersonal skills.
  3. The local community. The project fosters the development of local policies focused on supporting individuals with disabilities, activates the Third Sector in promoting innovative paths toward autonomy, and raises community awareness of the diverse potential of its members.


Material produced and publications:  

Social Impact Assessment report (PDF)