Area Sanità – Strategie per la salute del Paese

Developing a position paper on selected key trends and challenges in healthcare: Human resource management, digitalization, big data and AI.

Principal investigator: Francesco Longo (CeRGAS) 

Team UB/Cergas: Paola Roberta Boscolo, Marco Sartirana (CeRGAS) 

Partners: Planning srl (Bologna), Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of technological Innovation and Digital Transition., Microsoft Italia, Manpower 

Sponsor: Planning srl, Microsoft Italia, Manpower 

Duration: March 2021 – November 2021 


The projects aimed at identifying and addressing the critical issues of the National Health System that emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic by making the most of the development opportunities of the PNRR. Interviews and focused groups were organized with more than 50 people, including multiple stakeholders, such as healthcare professionals, policy makers, healthcare managers and technology experts. The results of the study are discussed in a position paper detailing 30 proposals, that is ideas and projects that could be developed relatively to: personnel policies, digitalization for the innovation of care processes, and extensive use of big data for the purpose of health analysis and planning. As far as the last two topics are concerned, ideas referred to: new routines in data collection and data analysis for both clinical and administrative decision making, as well as the redesign and interoperability of healthcare information systems aimed at supporting service redesign and integration, mainly for chronic and fragile patients, that typically access the NHS more frequently. 

The objectives of Area Sanità – Strategie per il Paese were 

O1: INFORMATION: gathering the stakeholders and data needed to identify and investigate the biggest and more urgent healthcare system challenges 

O2: TOOLS: creation of a stakeholder platforms facilitated by Planning srl 

O3: METHODS: Interviews, Focus groups, desk analysis 

O4: DEMONSTRATION: suggesting a set of proposals for potential initiatives to be developed by the national / regional and local levels. 

O5: REPLICATION: develop recommendations for policy makers and healthcare managers responsible for digitalization and new technologies adoption  

O6: ENGAGEMENT: engage all stakeholders by co-designing the 30 proposals document.  

Discover more: Area Sanità ( 


Material produced and publications:  

Boscolo, PR, (2021), Proposte per la digitalizzazione dei servizi sanitari. Secondo Welfare. Article link discover more  

Boscolo, PR, (2021), Big data in sanità: ambiti di priorità e proposte per la raccolta e l’utilizzo. Article link discover more.

AA.VV (2021), "Area Sanità. Strategie per la salute del Paese" – Tecnomedicina, discover more 


Video presentations at the final conference:  

Francesco Longo: 

Paola Roberta Boscolo: Area Sanità | Paola Roberta Boscolo - Tecnologie Digitali per l’innovazione dei processi di cura - YouTube; Area Sanità | Paola Roberta Boscolo - Utilizzo dei Big Data in sanità - YouTube 

Presentations (conferences):

Longo, F. (2021), le sfide del SSN alla luce di NEXT GEN EU, Bologna  

Boscolo, PR, Longo, F., (2021), Proposte per la digitalizzazione dei servizi, Bologna 

Boscolo, PR, Longo, F., (2021), Big Data: i dati a supporto della clinica e della programmazione sanitaria, Bologna 


AA.VV (2021) Lavoro, digitalizzazione e big data: 30 proposte per il futuro della sanità italiana. Sole 24 ore. discover more