Erika Mallarini

Erika Mallarini is Associate Professor of Practice at SDA Bocconi School of Management, Government, Health and Not for Profit (GHNP) Division.
She directs the Health & Beauty Observatory of the Bocconi Channel & Retail Lab and coordinates CeRGAS' Observatory on Private Consumption in Healthcare (OCPS). Erika was responsible for the Observatory on the Evolution of the Pharmacist Profession at SDA Bocconi.
Her research focuses on issues of health management & policy, pharmaceutical management & policy, healthcare & wellness retail management, pharmaceutical go to market, diversity management.
She is the author of numerous books, essays and articles on these topics. Her work has been published, among others, in Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy, Micro and Macro Marketing, Quaderni Società Italia Farmacologia, Aboutpharma and Mecosan.
Erika participated in various scientific committees and international advisory boards for the launch of innovative drugs, in particular biotechnology.
She served as a Director at the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance and at the Ministry of Economic Development, held various positions as expert at the Ministry of Health, the Health High Council and the Presidency of the Cabinet. She is President of FCC Farmacie Comunali Corsichesi.