Mario Del Vecchio

Mario Del Vecchio is Affiliate Professor of the Government, Health and Not for Profit (GHNP) at SDA Bocconi School of Management. He is Associate Professor at the Clinical and Experimental Medicine Department of Florence University where he is in charge of the Health Services Research Unit. At CeRGAS, he is Knowledge Leader of the Observatory on Private Consumption in Healthcare (OCPS).
His research activities focus on private consumption in healthcare, on the institutional organization and strategic choices in public healthcare companies, on planning and control in public healthcare companies and on organization and human resource management in brain-intensive organizations.
Among other roles, he is a designated expert for the CSS (Consiglio Superiore di Sanità), member of the Agenas Scientific Committe for the Evaluation of Public Healthcare Organizations performances, member of the Advisory Board of FNOPI (Italian Nurses Association), Chair of the joint committee of Ferrara University and Ferrara Public Health care Organization