Maria Caterina Cavallo

Maria Caterina Cavallo is Senior Researcher at SDA Bocconi School of Management, GHNP Division. She holds the MSc degree in Management of Public Administration from Bocconi University. At CeRGAS she served for 10 years as Coordinator of the Network of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Companies and has been for many years member of the Editorial Board of Mecosan.
Maria Caterina is author of several publications in international and national journals, a book and several contributions to books. Her research interests revolve around the use and impact of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) on decision making in healthcare, economic evaluation of medical technologies and cost of illness studies, budget impact analysis of innovative medicines for market access, health policy analysis and evaluation in a national and comparative perspective, governance of medical devices with a focus on national and international regulatory systems for post-market surveillance, disease management and process re-engineering in health care.
She is member of the Italian Association of Health Economics (AIES).