Organizational Impact of Subcutaneous Formulations for the Treatment of Oncologic Patients

Principal investigator: Carlo Federici (CeRGAS)

Team UB/Cergas: Patrizio Armeni, Ludovica Borsoi, Francesco Costa, Carlo Federici, Carla Rognoni

Sponsor: Janssen-Cilag Italy, Milan

Duration: 12 months


Resource modeling aims to explicitly quantify the effects of adopting new health care technologies in settings with capacity-related constraints. The aim of this analysis was to use resource modeling to explore the effects of the uptake of first-line treatment with daratumumab on wait lists and wait times in patients with untreated multiple myeloma. Two formulations were compared: the standard IV formulation (DARA-IV) and a recently approved SC formulation (DARA-SC).


First, semi-structured interviews at six oncologic centers were used to retrieve data on the management of patients given a DARA-IV regimen. Second, a discrete event simulation (DES) model was built to estimate the effects on resource consumption, wait lists, and wait times in scenarios with different incident numbers of patients treated with either DARA-IV or DARA-SC.

Material produced and publications:  

Federici C, Rognoni C, Costa F, Armeni P, Crovato E, Bellucci S. Use of resource modeling to quantify the organizational impact of subcutaneous formulations for the treatment of oncologic patients: the case of daratumumab in multiple myeloma. Clinical Therapeutics. 2022 Nov 1;44(11):1480-93.