CERGAS Webinar “Reference-Pricing for Drugs and Medical Procedures in the United States"
This presentation will highlight the experience with reference pricing for drugs and procedures in the United States, building on 8 years of research and publications by Professor Robinson. It will use examples from colonoscopy and outpatient drugs, building on the experiences of two employer associations. The presentation will conclude with the relationship between reference pricing and ‘value-based pricing’ and current efforts to promote better patient access for products that are priced in line with their value. The presentation will be couched in a broader description of the US payer landscape, which differs from that of European nations and hence which develops somewhat different purchasing strategies.
Webinar link: https://zoom.us/j/98460314088?pwd=dWRPNVZCcEM5SHN0bW1oU3VhS3hGQT09
Information about the speaker, James C. Robinson, bio
School of Public Health, University of California Berkeley
For information please contact cergas@unibocconi.it