The digitalization of the Long Term Care sector

Managerial needs and the portfolio of skills required by organizations and professionals

Principal investigator: Francesco Longo

Team UB/Cergas: Francesco Longo, Andrea Rotolo, Maria Vittoria Bufali (CeRGAS)

Sponsor: Umana 

Duration: January 2024 – September 2024


The purpose of the research is to:

  • Define a study framework that allows identifying in which areas and in what way different digital solutions are impacting and will impact Long Term Care services and organizations.

  • Within this framework, highlight the main managerial needs that the digitization of the sector entails and, consequently, how they define the need for new skills and new organizational roles.

To achieve the research objectives, the activities will be oriented towards the study of concrete cases of innovation in service models and organizational models in Italy and abroad, to build an interpretative framework based on evidence derived from projects already implemented or in the implementation phase.
More specifically, four macro-areas of activity will be carried out:

  1. Analysis of the literature and definition of the starting framework.
  2. Selection and analysis of 5 regional contexts of interest. Description of the contexts of the selected territorial realities and the differences that emerge (e.g., coverage rate of the need by public services, etc...).
  3. Study of cases and experiences of digital innovation in the Long Term Care sector in Italy and abroad.
  4. Definition of implications on the managerial process of development and implementation of digital innovations in the Long Term Care sector.
  5. Identification of the portfolio of skills necessary to support innovations in the sector.

Correlated events:

"Tecnologie digitali nella LTC: casi di innovazione a confronto. Quali competenze servono al settore?", 8 November 2024, SDA Bocconi School of Management

Material produced and presentations:

Logno F., Rotolo A., Bufali M.V., "La digitalizzazione del settore Long Term Care" - Final report, 2024 Oct 21