CERGAS Seminar " Reforming health care: public service and private income?"

Most health systems continue to be constrained financially (due to the impact of rising health needs/demands, the 2008 global financial crisis, and covid-19 pandemic). One solution has been to reform public health care organisations by allowing them to earn more income from private sources. This commercialisation of public health care might include clinical services to `private’ patients, clinical trials, alternative use of facilities such as retail outlets.
This presentation will examine the experience of the National Health Service (NHS) in England (following reforms in 2013) by exploring the impact on the local organisations’ strategies and finances. It will also consider the impact on staff who have been implementing this reform.
Mark Exworthy is Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham (UK). His research interests focus on health reform implementation, governance, and the interface between professionalism and managerialism. He has published widely, including his latest book “The NHS at 75: the state of UK health policy” (published October 2023). He is the co-director of the MBA Clinical Leadership at Birmingham Business School. He is chair of the Society for Studies in Organising Healthcare (SHOC). He was a Harkness Fellow in health care policy (at University of California, San Francisco) and is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (UK).
Link zoom: https://unibocconi-it.zoom.us/j/95604350968?pwd=dE04VitEYllCS25idjQvbUNPaGZPQT09
Meeting ID: 956 0435 0968
Passcode: 202151
For those willing to participate in person, please write to erica.dugnani@sdabocconi.it before Friday, October 13th.