CERGAS Seminar ONLINE - "Methods to highlight the equity impact of health interventions. Extended Cost-Effectiveness Analysis applied to an alcohol pricing policy in South Africa"

Coauthors: Gibbs, N., Angus, C., Dixon, S., Parry, C.D., Meier, P.S., Boachie, M.K. and Verguet, S.
Methods to highlight the equity impact of health interventions are available including distributional and extended cost-effectiveness analysis. These methods will be briefly explained and compared before providing an example of an Extended Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (ECEA) applied to an alcohol pricing policy in South Africa.
South Africa experiences significant levels of alcohol-related harm. Recent research suggests minimum unit pricing (MUP) for alcohol would be an effective policy, but high levels of income inequality raise concerns about equity impacts. We quantify the equity impact of MUP on household health and finances in rich and poor drinkers in South Africa using ECEA methods.
Naomi Gibbs joined the Centre for Health Economics at York University, in January 2022 following completion of her PhD in Public Health and Economic Decision Science with the University of Sheffield. Naomi's PhD focussed on decision modelling to appraise cost and health outcomes of a hypothetical minimum unit pricing policy for alcohol in South Africa. Naomi is particularly interested in economic methods which support decision makers' concern for equity and is lead convenor of the Equity-Informative Economic Evaluation Special Interest Group, part of the international Health Economics Association (iHEA).
ONLINE mode only
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