CERGAS Seminar "Health care systems in times of shrinking resources and growing demands. A research agenda"

Health care systems are in a state of permanent crisis, as they need to confront both sudden shocks but also structural issues, such as the shortage of key resources (e.g. personnel), a growing demand for care and rising costs. Moreover, some health care systems rely on insufficient funding and struggle to obtain additional resources. As a result, a gap has been widening among people's expectations, care needs, and what health care systems can actually achieve (which strongly depends on the resources they rely on).
The aim of this research agenda is three fold: (i) to collect and organize evidence about the policies countries have been enacting in order to increase the overall financing devoted to health care; (ii) to elicit and analyze people preferences on the acceptability of alternative health care funding options (from general taxation to VHI to OOP payments); (iii) starting from a hypothetical scenario where resources devoted to health care need to be reduced, to elicit people preferences about which dimensions of public health care coverage (namely covered population, services and costs) could undergo a downsizing and which ones should remain untouched. The final objective of the present research agenda is to extract valuable insights on: (i) how to design feasible policies to increase funding for health care and (ii) whether and how to revise the statutory coverage of health care systems in case of severe financial distress, limiting the risk of compromising universal health coverage.
From a methodological perspective, the first research objective relies on a comparative review of academic literature, grey literature and official documents; the second and third objectives rely on the analysis of data to be collected by means of a CAWI survey composed of two separate discrete choice experiments (DCE), administered to a sample of about 1,200 Italian citizens. The survey experiments were designed following a thorough revision of scholarly literature, expert meetings and focus groups. The survey is set to be distributed in February 2024.
Gianmario Cinelli is Lecturer of the GHNP Division at SDA Bocconi School of Management. Gianmario is a member of CeRGAS (Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management) and OCPS (Observatory on Privately Financed Health Consumption). He has been conducting numerous research, training and change management projects set in public and healthcare sectors with ministries, regions, public and private companies.
His research activities focus on the following topics: institutional and governance models of public sector organizations; organizational design in public organization; strategies of companies and public interest networks; strategic planning of personnel in public administrations; health care financing.
Gianmario Cinelli is a PhD candidate at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; he obtained an MSc in Economics and Social Sciences and a Bsc in Economics and Management from Bocconi University.
Giorgio Giacomelli is Associate Professor of Practice in Public Management at the GHNP area of SDA Bocconi School of Management.
Since 2013, he has been collaborating with SDA Bocconi, participating in research projects, training, and organizational support for public entities of various levels. His involvement in projects includes the innovation of performance measurement and evaluation systems, personnel management in the public sector, and organizational behavior.
Giorgio has authored publications on the mentioned research topics in national and international journals. He contributes to the research activities of SDA Bocconi's PA-POP Lab and PNRR Lab and the OASI Observatory (Observatory on Companies and the Italian Healthcare System).
Giorgio earned his master's degree in Economics and Management of Public Administrations and International Institutions in 2011 from Università Bocconi and a Ph.D. in Management in 2018 from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa.
Laura Giudice is Lecturer of the GHNP Division at SDA Bocconi School of Management.
Laura is a member of CeRGAS (Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management) and OCPS (Observatory on Privately Financed Health Consumption) where she has conducted numerous research, training and consulting projects with both public and private healthcare organizations.
Laura is also Teaching Assistant of the Executive Master in Management of Health and Social Care Organizations (EMMAS).
Her research activities focus on healthcare management and policy and especially on the following topics: health care financing, performance management, process analysis.
Laura earned a BSc in International Economics, Management and Finance and a MSc in Economics and Management for Government and International Organizations, both from Bocconi University.
Luigi Maria Preti is Lecturer of the GHNP Division at SDA Bocconi School of Management.
Luigi is a member of CeRGAS (Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management) and OCPS (Observatory on Privately Financed Health Consumption), where he has conducted numerous research, training and consulting projects with public and private healthcare organizations.
Luigi is also the Teaching Assistant of the Master in Healthcare Management (Master in Management per la Sanità - MiMS).
His research activities focus on healthcare management and policy and especially on the following topics: health care financing, strategic management in health care organizations.
Luigi is a PhD candidate at the University of Pavia; he earned a BSc in Economics and Social Sciences and a MSc in Economics and Management for Government and International Organizations, both from Bocconi University.
Meeting ID: 959 5030 8673
Passcode: 406737
Lunch bags at the end of the meeting: for those willing to participate in person, click here before the 15th of February.