CERGAS Seminar "Artificial Intelligence Shaping Professional Role-Identity in Healthcare"

The influence of digital technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), on the workplace is a topic of intense debate. While some view AI and algorithmic solutions as a disruptive force that may replace human professionals, others see them as transformative tools that augment professional capabilities and can enhance productivity.
In healthcare, the impact of AI potential extends beyond just diagnostic improvement, treatment plans, or process streamlining. AI is increasingly debated as having the potential to fundamentally reshape the professional roles and identities of clinical professionals.
Drawing from an ongoing study on AI and medical imaging professions, emerging insights from the literature on professions and digitization will be outlined. The dynamic of professionals prospectively making sense of technological promises often before their actual deployment in routine work settings will be reflected upon.
Dr. Yiannis Kyratsis holds the Chair of Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce at Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management (ESHPM), Erasmus University Rotterdam since January 2024. Previously, he served as the founding Director of the multidisciplinary Research & Innovation Lab on Health, Care & Wellbeing at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, albo being Director of Research in the Department of Organization Sciences and Head of the Organization Theory Group. Before that, he worked at the School of Health and Cass Business School at City, University of London, where he co-founded the interdisciplinary Centre for Healthcare Innovation Research. Additionally, he held positions at the Faculty of Medicine and the Business School of Imperial College London. Dr. Kyratsis' research focuses on healthcare management and organization studies, particularly institutionalist accounts of organizational change, safety culture, innovation embedding, and professional role-identity within healthcare. His work has been published in management, medical, and health services journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Sociology of Health and Illness, Health Care Management Review, Lancet Infectious Diseases. Currently, he serves as Associate Editor for BMC Public Health, Frontiers in Digital Health, and Academy of Management Perspectives. With extensive consultancy experience, he has undertaken projects for the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the Global Fund, ministries of Health, and professional organizations in Europe and the Middle East. Dr. Kyratsis has also served as a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University T.H. School of Public Health and Bayes Business School in London.
Link zoom:
Meeting ID: 921 9477 2708
Passcode: 648674
Lunch bags at the end of the meeting: for those willing to participate in person, click here before the 25th of March.