Pharmaceutical Observatory

The Pharmaceutical Observatory (OSFAR) of CERGAS-SDA Bocconi was born in 1997. At present OSFAR is supported by eight major multinational pharmaceutical companies (Astrazeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol Myers Squibb, MSD Italia, Novartis, Pfizer, Sanofi, Takeda) with an annual unrestricted grant.

The research of OSFAR is focused on pharmaceutical market trend, pharmaceutical policy, policy impact analysis and patients access to medicines.


Aims & Scope


OSFAR analyses pharmaceutical public and private market trends and provides three-years market forecasts. It systematically compares pharmaceutical policies at international, national and regional levels. Policies monitored include HTA on medicines, reimbursement strategies, co-payment, procurement, distribution systems, actions on prescribing behaviour.

OSFAR carries out two researches per year, focused on pharmaceutical policies and their impact on the intended target (market trend, stakeholders’ behaviour, access to medicines, etc.).




OSFAR produces one report per year.

The last report is available:


An executive summary of previous reports are available:

Researches carried out by the Pharmaceutical Observatory and its researchers are published either at national or international levels.


The Report (in Italian) of the 2019 Research "Pharmaceutical policy in Italy: the point of view of stakeholders and experts" is available here.


The Executive Summary (in Italian) of the 2018 Research "The effects of procurement policies of medicines on market competitiveness" is available here.


Available the list of the publications here.

