The Observatory on Privately Financed Health Consumption (OCPS) at SDA Bocconi was established in 2012 with the purpose of developing solid and systematic knowledge concerning the portion of health-related consumption that is privately financed.

Aim & Scope

OCPS’ goal is to establish itself as a reference point for private healthcare-related research and to become an ideal platform for stakeholders to engage in discussion, share knowledge and formulate new ideas.

The Observatory is fully aware of the increasing relevance that characterizes the interaction between public and private spheres in the healthcare sector and markets, therefore its underlying objective is to move beyond a simplified vision of the Italian healthcare system to embrace a more encompassing and dynamic model of such interactions.

In fact, the ultimate goal of OCPS is to spur innovation, both at policy and managerial level, and to foster beneficial collaborations between public and private actors in the sector, through the provision of evidence-based rationales, facts and figures.


The Observatory engages in multiple research projects that focus on mapping and monitoring the evolutions of the sector, e.g. by highlighting relevant trends and sectoral convergences, analyzing aggregate data on demand and consumption etc.

Moreover, every year OCPS explores topics of particular interest identified with its Partners, e.g. diving into the specificities of a sector by elaborating case studies or drawing comparisons among different managerial practices etc.

The Observatory organizes conferences and four workshops per year reserved to its Partners in order to address current relevant themes of interest for the Partners and the private healthcare sector in general. Finally, once a year the Observatory opens up to the public with its Open Day that constitutes an excellent occasion to present research findings and engage the participants in an informed discussion.


Every year OCPS produces analyses and research findings that contribute to the Annual OASI Report; Additionally, it publishes the OCPS Report that is a valuable source of updated information for policy makers, managers, professionals and experts in the sector.

Furthermore, the Observatory produces monographic works on specific topics, such as the one centered on “Innovation in the Healthcare Insurance Sector” (2016), and multiple scientific papers published on newspapers and international journals.

Download the Executive summary OCPS report 2018. The sector at a glance


For information: ocps@sdabocconi.it