CERGAS Seminar "What contingency factors lead to the centralization or decentralization of the networks? A configurational analysis in different health and social care networks"

Meeting people
Coauthors: Tie Cui, Maria Picco, Federica Segato
There is not a universally superior governance structure, as several contingencies factors can influence its occurrence. According to Provan & Kenis (2008), centralized (and decentralized) networks are characterized by a specific combination of four factors: trust distribution, network size, goal consensus, and network-level competencies. This study aims to explore which of these four contingency factors can lead to centralization or decentralization of the networks (either alone or simultaneously). To address this aim, a qualitative comparative analysis was carried out on 12 cases of health and social care integration of the Agenzia di Tutela della Salute of Milan (Italy). Results revealed that the presence of a large number of organizations leads to centralized forms of network governance. Instead, the distribution of trust and a shared goal among organizations connote decentralized networks. Unveiling the causes of the centralization/decentralization of networks contributes to addressing an existing gap in network governance literature and supports policy-makers and providers in guiding the establishment and evolution of networks.
Eleonora Gheduzzi, PhD in Management Engineering, is an Assistant Professor in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and co-director of the Executive Master in Gestione dell’Innovazione in Sanità at POLIMI Graduate School of Management. Her research encompasses the co-production with vulnerable citizens, the co-creation of value and the integration of health and social care services. During her PhD thesis, she has deepened the process of value co-creation and co-destruction in the health and social service delivery and the interaction dynamics occurring during co-production workshops. More recently, she delved into the analysis of public networks involving both formal and informal organizations with the aim of raising the sustainability of the healthcare system. On her research interests, she has published papers in international journals, such as International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Plos One, BMC Health Service Research and BMJ Open, and taught lessons and webinars at executive Master Programs of different Univerisities and at the Osservatorio Sanità Digitale.

Link zoom: https://unibocconi-it.zoom.us/j/91209584660?pwd=cExGMHc2OU5XRWcrQlFTVFJzcU4wQT09

Meeting ID: 912 0958 4660

Passcode: 787841

Lunch bags at the end of the meeting: for those willing to participate in person, click here before the 13th of March.